Where to travel after Covid-19 Pandemic Over

  • Sudip Bhatta
  • 3086

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With the year 2020 ruled prohibited for global travel, the time has come to begin looking forward to what's to come next. Blue skies are coming, I guarantee! On the off chance that you've dropped or change an outing you were because of covid-19 pandemic this year, you may be thinking when you will have the option to travel once more. It's the million dollar question and in all actuality, no one knows. So with that, the time has come to begin thinking about where to go in 2021.


Travel is going to appear to be unique after this  pandamic, yet this may not be a terrible thing. Urban communities that were once packed will unexpectedly be charming once more, however it is likely numerous explorers will choose increasingly detached departures. Be that as it may, regardless, we will be back in the skies one year from now. So the inquiry becomes, where would it be good to travel for you to go in 2021?


Here our Suggestions,

Nepal is commonly know for the great highest himalayas and a place for relax your mind after being lockdown (or stayed in same place for long time) mind and body need to explore for the betterment. Here are 3 most recommended travel packages we recommend for your great holidays.

1. Poon Hill Trekking (8 days total from Kathmandu to Kathmandu)

2. Langtang Valley Trekking (11 days total from Kathmandu to Kathmandu)

3. Picky Peak Trekking (9 days total from Kathmandu to Kathmandu)

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